I graduated from from NYU in 2020 and am now working in influencer marketing for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brands. During my time at NYU, I had marketing and PR internships in everything from doggie genetics, to worldwide fitness adventures, to fashion design. I am inspired daily by media produced by Betches, Buzzfeed, Cosmo, and others. I am well-versed in everything pop culture and am passionate about mental health issues, especially those that commonly impact the lives of women. Travel has been an influential part of my life, as I would travel with my family during the summers growing up. I even attended a French elementary, middle, and high school that has allowed me to be bilingual. I spent two semesters abroad, one in Sydney and the other in Florence. It’s best not to bring it up — I’ll talk until your hair turns gray. I am in love with the city and hope to stay here literally forever, working in fashion PR and influencer marketing.