I've had this idea for a minute now, and before I get any hate - hear me tf out. I'm gonna put it out there, and if it's not well received, then I'll reel it in and we can pretend like it was never said. So here it is: naming your dog a human name is simply genius. Below are the reasons why this is just the truth:
The Shock Factor
Picture this - you are walking down the street of your suburban town during the wretched quarantine, and suddenly a middle aged woman in her nightgown hangs her head out the window of her vinyl-sided home. She yells, "Kevin! Kevin, get back here!" Whiplash strikes you, as your rubber neck swivels so violently to the side, expecting a grown ass man (Kevin) to be sprinting down the street back towards his home. But no, instead you find that Kevin is a frikkin Labrodoodle. Can someone say - SHOCKING.
They're Family
C'mon, this just makes sense. If you don't give your pupper the family name, then who even are you?
Anything Else Is Stupid
Sparkle - really?! All of these made up names for our furry friends just reminds me of those tiny white dogs with the crusty faces that little girls get for their tenth birthdays. If you're cuddling up to a fluffer named Coco, Spot, or Twinkle - all I can say is WOOF.
Here are some of my fave names for a dignified doggo: Hank, Walter, David, Martha, and Sara. The list goes on. If you're scratching your brain on names for your up, simply look up popular baby names.